Warriors Apostolic Training Center Hub 2 is a powerful yet unique ministry with a strong apostolic and prophetic anointing. WATCH is also a Bible based ministry positioned as a catalyst for change to break the church through into kingdom positioning throughout the nations. We are dedicated to mobilizing an army by transforming lives – one empowered and reformed leader – one life at a time. We believe that we are the solution because we are living for God’s glory!
Our MANDATE and MISSION from God: Matthew 10: 1-15/ 28:19-20 (AMP) / Mark 16:15-18 / Luke 24:47-48 (KJV)
- To win souls through the preaching of the Good News, proclaiming “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”. To have power and authority over unclean spirits, to drive them out, to impact lives to freedom through healing and deliverance, raise the dead, cast out devils, and experience supernatural breakthroughs of miracles, signs and wonders – all of this and more, only by the power of the Holy Ghost.
- To, equip, empower, and impact generations of disciples; to encourage them to live a Kingdom purpose-driven life, establish an intimate relationship with God, and pursue and fulfill destiny.
- To provide avenues for the teaching and imparting of present truth revelation of the Bible through local and international conferences, power sessions, modules, training through on-site locations, on-line webinars and streaming; books, cds, mp3, manuals and other avenues of social media.
- With a global focus on reformation, FLILCC supports health, housing, education and community development initiatives throughout the nations and world.
- To develop strategic alliances with five-fold ministry leaders which desire building a Kingdom mentality and the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
- To facilitate global transformation through Prayer, Intercession, and Spiritual Warfare strategies. To co-labor with the saints, apostolic and prophetic teams gathering in the nations for breakthrough intercession, leadership training, and deliverance ministry.
- To impact our communities, governments, and generations through empowerment by developing strong relationships; joint partnerships; interactive alliances with other apostolic churches and networks, governmental leaders and dignitaries.
- To identify, equip, and publicly commission servant leaders through licensing and ordination, and release emerging apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers that God is raising up throughout the nations. “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry” (Ephesians 4:11-12).